“Patrik Gunnar är en fotograf som är nästan osynlig under arbetet,
som på ett gåtfullt sätt lyckas frysa fast de exakta detaljerna i varje scen.
Som blottar hela berättelsens innebörd.
Han finner stillhetens hjärta.
I ögonblicket mellan insikt och handling.
Han skildrar skådespelarna när de som mest stilla och fyllda.
Jag blev förvånad över att träffa en person som så klart kan
fånga det jag själv inte ser.
Utan att jag visste om att det fanns.
Jag upptäcker det först när jag ser hans fotografier.”
Lars Norén
the work, which mysteriously manages to freeze
capture the exact details of each scene.
Which exposes the whole meaning of the story.
He finds the heart of silence.
In the moment between insight and action.
He portrays the actors when they are most still and full.
I was surprised to meet a person who so clearly
can catch what I myself cannot see.
Without me knowing it existed.
I only discover it when I see his photographs.”
Lars Norén | Swedish playwright and poet.
can catch what I myself cannot see.
Without me knowing it existed.
I only discover it when I see his photographs.”
Lars Norén | Swedish playwright and poet.
Patrik Gunnar Helin calls himself a visual artist and delivers high-quality visual solutions.
Based in the Gothenburg area.
Over the years have found the formula for photographing lit environments. The perfect balance between natural and artificial light, the Twilight.
Requires planning, patience, presence and sometimes strange times.
Over the years have found the formula for photographing lit environments. The perfect balance between natural and artificial light, the Twilight.
Requires planning, patience, presence and sometimes strange times.
Official photographer for the Lights in Alingsås project since its inception in 2000.
Works with lighting designers, architects and on stages in various contexts.
The love of light is the common denominator.
Without light, no pictures, no life.
Works with lighting designers, architects and on stages in various contexts.
The love of light is the common denominator.
Without light, no pictures, no life.